Save The Coral Save The Coast

According to research from Stanford University, coral reefs absorb 97% of the energy from waves headed toward shores, protecting millions from natural disasters and rising sea levels. Unfortunately, due to Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease and many other factors, Florida has now lost almost 98% of its original coral cover.  Reefs across the Caribbean are now degrading severely due to this disease.  These reef building corals are a variety of shapes, needed for wave break.  The Florida Coral Rescue Team has “rescued” corals from the ocean from the disease, and The Reef Institute is part of an elite group of sites holding rescued stony corals.  The Reef Institute’s “Adopt A Coral” campaign enables supporters of the Reef Institute to adopt our corals to enable their support and their care as they prepare to be genebanked or returned to the ocean.

Everyone who adopts our corals receives a photo of their coral, sponsorship pack of a magnet and sticker pack, and virtual tour of the Reef Institute.




$15 per month or one time donation of $180

As a part of the Florida Coral Rescue Project, The Reef Institute has been given the incredible honor of housing over 180 coral colonies that have been brought in to our facility to preserve the genetics of corals susceptible to Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease. These corals will be held at the Reef Institute to use for spawning and preservation. This level supports the care of one coral in the Florida Coral Rescue Project.

To support TRI at the Coral Care level, see above.



$45 per month or one time donation of $540

Through collaborations with MOTE Marine Labs and Florida Aquarium we have seen settlement of coral larvae, and have also been given the care of corals that range from a few days to only two years old. These “baby corals” will be well cared for in our lab until they can be out planted back in the ocean. Once they are a little older, and a bit stronger these corals will be used to replenish our reefs and to ensure that scientists learn more about coral restoration. This level supports the growth of one baby coral from birth to out planting. One day your coral will enter the ocean to save our reefs! This level also includes an in person tour of the Reef Institute facility of up to 4 people, a t shirt and a monthly newsletter dedicated to following of the growth of your baby coral.

To support TRI at the Grow A Coral level, see above.



$100 per month or a one time donation of $1200.

The Reef Institute has 16 race ways holding rescued, salvaged, and juvenile corals. Each of these vats take a lot of care from interns, scientists and our specialized coral Veterinarian. This level cares for an entire vat of corals. It enables that all of the life support systems of one of our coral vats are online, and all the steps needed for coral out planting are taken care of. This level follows the journey of a coral into the ocean to restore our reefs. This level in person tour of the Reef Institute facility of up to 4 people, a snorkel tour of Peanut Island with a scientist, a t shirt and a monthly newsletter dedicated to following the journey of your coral as it prepares for the ocean.

To support TRI at the Ocean Bound level, see above.

Sustain the Journey


$500 per month or a one time donation of $6,000

Want to follow the journey of a coral from “baby” to restoration? This is the level for you. At this level you are following the care of a coral from childhood to out planting. The Reef Institute’s ecologically engineered reefs are part of this journey. You are sustaining the journey of coral all the way through to true restoration.

To support TRI at the Sustain the Journey level, see above.